Ways to Thrive During Quarantine: Spring Cleaning Your Space and Mentality

This article is part of a series in response to the SARS-CoV-2 quarantine. Read Renee’s other articles in the series here.
By: Renee Rasmussen
It’s safe to say the past month has been one of chaos, confusion, and frustration. After going from a life of routine to being forced to go to one of unfilled time and different environments, the transition can be difficult. While we all are spending some quality time at home and practicing social distancing due to the Coronavirus, it is important to not succumb to the despair that self-isolating can bring. The most important thing to remember while quarantining is to develop a routine. Having a routine can help focus your mind and keep you on a positive track.
However, being home all day does have its benefits. From being able to catch up on your favorite TV show, to starting a new hobby, the possibilities are endless. Yet, as March turns into April, spring is upon us which means now is the perfect opportunity to start spring cleaning! Spring cleaning doesn’t just have to be about cleaning out your room, it can also be about adding positive and cleaning your mentality. So, for things to do while in quarantine think about participating in a full spring clean.
First, let’s start with the practical aspect of spring cleaning: your room! Now that we all have an abundance of free time, there is no excuse not to clean your space. Start with your closet: Are there clothes in there you never wear? Are there clothes that no longer fit you or your style? Are there clothes that someone else could have better use of? Ask yourself these questions as you clean out your closet and make room for your spring wardrobe!
Once you’ve cleaned your closet, look around your room. Are there knick knacks taking up space you need for other things? Remember, you should have a designated school space, so don’t let your stuff accumulate where your laptop needs to go. Go through your room and dust the shelves and surfaces to give your room that finished look. Check under your bed for the boxes you have hidden away throughout the years. Now is a great time to clean out that space and empty out those boxes. If you can, add some color to your room, whether through brighter bed sheets, accent pillows or colored lights to give your room that spring feel.
Now that you’ve spruced up your room, let’s spring clean your mentality. A lot has happened the past few weeks and it can be easy to fall down the rabbit hole of despair. Instead, hold yourself accountable this spring. Make a goal to get dressed (not sweats) on school days and to make your bed everyday. Use this time to do some serious self-searching. What can you do with this new found free time? Maybe you can learn a new hobby, maybe finally read all those books on your bookshelf, or maybe this is simply a good time for you to slow down.
Spring clean your mentality by adding some positivity. Host a skype call with your friends, listen to a funny podcast, or make a to-do list to keep your day focused. Take a walk outside and soak in the sunshine to give your mind a change of surroundings. Challenge yourself this spring to limit your social media and caffeine intake to help with the natural anxieties occuring around this situation.
Now is the time for the long awaited spring cleaning. Whether through the practical ways, or mental ways, take time this spring to clean and welcome the incoming sunshine.