This Week in Tower History

The “This Week in Tower History” column will collect relevant, historical, or humorous excerpts from any past editions of The Tower’s 97-year-existence. Compiled weekly by Tower editors.

March 26, 2010
- SGA (then called SAGA) started its CUA Express service
- A front-page article about the challenging job market started with “The current economic climate is one of the worst our nation has seen since the Great Depression.”
- The Things That Make John Nervous column (aptly) focused on “European Vacations”

April 8, 2005
- Chick-fil-a was announced as a possibility for the dining plan for the following year.
- At a ‘Campus Divided’ forum, students addressed the campus speaker controversy, prompted by the university prohibiting Stanley Tucci from speaking on campus earlier that year

March 24, 2000
- The university announced its move to course registration using the internet – “The new system, ‘Cardinal Students’ is web-based and will allow students to have instant access to their entire student record from any computer. Cardinal Students will enable students to use the World Wide Web to add, drop and swap/transfer classes.”
- An editorial cartoon depicted Father O’Connell saying “By the year 2020, we’ll have ‘Robo R.A.’s’, a giant atmospheric dome covering the whole campus, and identification chips implanted under your skin…”
- A “Strides Made, Room for Improvement” op-ed by the student government president and vice president mentioned that “Students will soon witness the groundbreaking of a new University Center, ‘The Pryz’… The expansion of campus is warmly welcomed after years of students begging for such construction to commence.”

March 24, 1995
- The 5th Column analyzed the Kato Kaelin testimony in the O.J. Simpson trial, which had started two months earlier
- An advertisement for Program Board’s Spring Fling announced that Carrot Top was performing stand-up in Hartke Theater on April 11th, and The Samples were performing in the DuFour Center on April 20th

March 23, 1990
- A summary of the Middle States evaluation committee visited campus, which was covered thoroughly in articles, editorials, and letters to the editor for several week.s A letter to the editor in the following edition mentioned the irony in a Tower front-page article which noted: “While noting that the handicapped concerns office was located on the second floor of a building with no elevator, the team still found the University’s efforts for handicapped students adequate.”
- Although the Middle States evaluation team “noted a lack of diversity among the CUA community… the team found that the students they spoke to did not seem upset about the lack of diversity.” Another article on the front page, headlined ‘Candidates address minority concerns’, focused on the main issue student government candidates were pressed to address, which was the “question of ethnic diversity in curriculum and enrollment.”

March 29, 1985
- Students from the Columbus School of Law won the Sutherland Cup Moot Court Competition defeated teams from Yale University, UVA, and UNC
- A news blurb headlined ‘Students swallow goldfish’ detailed a goldfish eating contest at the Tim Sheevy Memorial Bash. “Junior glutonist Paul Nisson (engineering), the 1983 champion, came from behind with a last minute 21 fish chug to tie the challenger Mike Provose (junior, politics) and force an extra-period “eat off”. Nisson and Provose ravaged the remaining 20 fish to end the contest in a deadlock.”
- An Oscars article in A&E (then called the Features section) gave a summary of the awards ceremony: Amadeus won eight Oscars including Best Picture, The Killing Fields won three, and Places in the Heart and A Passage to India each won two.

March 28, 1980
- A letter written by university President Edmund Pellegrino praised the success of last year’s first-ever university town hall meeting, and encouraged students to attend the upcoming meeting on April 10.

March 21, 1975
- A front-page article broke down the $335 raise in costs for the following school year – “a hike of $200 for tuition, $61 for board, $55 for room, $14 for student medical insurance, and $5 for an orientation fee.” The total undergraduate tuition would end up being $2,650 the following year.