First CUA Drama Show Opens this Weekend!
"Futureproof "Courtesy of CUA Drama By Daniela Sol This weekend, the Catholic University’s first drama production will take place in...
"Futureproof "Courtesy of CUA Drama By Daniela Sol This weekend, the Catholic University’s first drama production will take place in...
Gucci Mane Courtesy of By Jared Prenda I had been a fan of Gucci since I was 15 years...
The Catholic University Symphony Orchestra. Courtesy of the Catholic Standard By Brittany Young Dear CUA students, By adding just one...
Tacos from "Fox Loves Taco" Courtesy of Daniela Sol By Daniela Sol In the opposite corner of Brookland Pint, a...
by: Daniela Sol In Marcelle’s Coop, inspiration is seen throughout the walls of studio #15 in Brookland’s Arts Walk. A...
by Daniela Sol As spring has officially settled in the District, beer gardens are blooming to...
by Piero Filpi Before “HUMBLE.” decided to blow everyone’s speakers out two week ago, we hadn’t heard much from Kendrick...
by Maria Rodriguez Ever seen a full-fledged symphony organized in an art gallery for a contemporary classical concert? Thursday, April...
by Daniela Sol There is no denying that D.C. has mastered the art of crafting great burgers. On nearly every...
by Jared Prenda “Ladies and Gentlemen, man the f*** up or you’re not going to make it to the end...