This Week in Tower History: January 31,2025

Image Courtesy of Kelley Schmidt via The Tower
By Thomas Saacks
As we bring in the new year, let’s take a look at this week in Tower history:
The Tower, Vol 51, Issue 13, (January 26, 1973)
This Week in 1973, government-abolitionists were elected to “top executive posts” of the Catholic’s Student Government Association. Maryann Karinch reports on the victory of Phil Pacheco, who spoke of his agenda saying, “I would like to see all executive offices abolished.” On the matter, his colleague and fellow election winner McCall added, “Within two days my office should be abolished and, hopefully by April, the entire executive branch will self-destruct.” Catholic has had a number of student governments over the years.
The Tower, Vol 66, Issue 13, (January 26, 1990)
This week in 1990, then freshman politics major Andrew Dick wrote on the need to restore the Grey Wolf to the ecosystem of Yellowstone National Park. He explains how the removal of this predator disrupted the national park, “The unchecked growth
of prey populations had a serious impact on Yellowstone plant life as well” and “the
lack of strong predator populations hurt all forms of life in Yellowstone.” Andrew Dick’s advocacy was part of a larger trend which restored the environment of the national park. Starting five years after this article, the restoration of the species is considered “one of conservation’s greatest success stories.”
The Tower, Vol 78, Issue 13, (January 28, 2000)
This Week in 2000, Catholic experienced a snowstorm much like the heavy snowfall we have seen this year. Tower Staff writer Irene Tsikitas reports of a “suprise storm” which resulted in the closure of the university. Like the snowstorm this year, Catholic experienced a rare southern snowstorm which came up form the Carolinas. The grounds crew was able to respond within a timely response to clear the university following the snowfall, but it still resulted in a temporary closure. The lost days were reported to be built into reading days at the end of the semester.