Pro-Life at Catholic University: From the Streets to the Ballroom

Image Courtesy of CathUMinistry
By Francesca Jonica
On January 25, Catholic University of America hosted its annual March for Life, an event that brings together students, faculty, and members of the community to advocate for the sanctity of life. The day began with a rally in Heritage Hall, where the university’s commitment to the pro-life cause was displayed.
The rally opened with a prayer from Fr. Kowalkowski, chaplain of undergraduate studies, followed by an address from Catholic University President, Dr. Kilpatrick. In his speech, President Kilpatrick emphasized the gravity of the issue of abortion, calling attention to the staggering numbers of lives lost each year. “Abortion kills about a million in America and 200 million worldwide,” he noted. “Think about those lives that are snuffed out—never had a chance to live, never had a chance to stand up and experience life.” These words resonated deeply with the attendees, setting the tone for a day of reflection and action.
Sophomore photography major Maeva Chavert shared her personal thoughts on the March, recalling her initial concerns when she first participated in 2019.
“I was scared my first time going because I was convinced we would get attacked or verbally harassed,” Chavert explained. “But it was so peaceful; even the security throughout the walk seemed at ease.” For Maeva, the March represented not just a protest, but a demonstration of unity, peace, and love for all human life.
Before the group departed for the March, Fr. Aquinas, University Chaplain and Director of Campus Ministry, offered a blessing to all those in attendance. His words invoked aspirit of dignity, truth, and light: “As you march, bring light through the darkness of time and witness the truth and dignity of life,” he said, reinforcing the purpose of their journey.
Following the March, Catholic University’s students and staff changed into formal attire for the annual Gala for Life, a celebratory event that honors the pro-life movement. The highlight of the evening was a speech from Tiffany Farley, executive director of Gabriel Network, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping mothers in need. Farley shared stories of women who struggle to find stability, with many facing difficult circumstances such as couch surfing and lacking supportive communities. “Prayer is a major key to my job,” Farley emphasized, highlighting the importance of faith in her work.
Her words impacted many attendees, including sophomore Finance and Theology major Jack Hermes.
“It was inspiring, especially her commitment to prayer and understanding of her role at Gabriel Network as a vocation,” Hermes said. For Jack, the Gala served as a fitting conclusion to the day’s events, a moment to celebrate not only the March for Life but the ongoing efforts to support and protect life in all its forms.
“It’s the perfect way to end the March for Life,” Hermes reflected. “After a day of prayer, it’s only right to celebrate all the hard work the pro-life movement has to offer.”
From the march through the streets of Washington, D.C., to the ballroom at the Gala for Life, Catholic University’s March for Life and Gala for Life events provided students and faculty alike with an opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to the sanctity of life, both through advocacy and celebration.