How to Hack CUA 2.0

Courtesy of The Catholic University of America
By Eduardo Castillon
This is an independently submitted op-ed for our Quill section. Views and statements made in this article do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Tower
Last December the Tower covered six life hacks at CUA. It can be difficult to locate the many resources, aids, and tools accessible to students. So, now we’ve compiled even more tips and advice for your enjoyment:
- You can use Linkedin Learning for free with your CUA login.
The Mullen LIbrary offers multiple resources to help with research. One of these is actually Linkedin Learning, an online video instructional library that offers you all the skills you may want for your respective field. Over 200,000 online courses have been available to you this entire time! Simply visit Linkedin Learning here, and type in your CUA credentials to start learning.
- The Center for Academic & Career Services (CACS) offers resources for job/school applications.
Excited for life post-graduation? Let CACS help you with their templates for resumes, CVs, and cover letters. Additionally a great amount of advice and guides are available on their site for students ready to strike out in the workforce. You can also find helpful resources you may need for jobs on campus, in the US, or even abroad, all at the click of a button.
- Ace Hardware has a student discount
Students may be surprised to learn how useful a resource the Ace Hardware on 8th Street can be for campus living. Whether it’s cleaning materials, cooking supplies, baking pans, or even string lights, you’ll find just what you need. The store is within walking distance of campus and is just down the block from the Brookland Arts walk. You don’t even have to take the metro to buy supplies!
- Check out books from university libraries all over the NOVA, DC, and Maryland area.
The Mullen library allows for interlibrary loans you can order online. If you see a book in the library database that isn’t currently held at the Mullen Library, simply scroll down to view its availability from other institutions. Under the “How to get it” section, you’ll be able to make ILL loans and be notified when you can pick your book up from the circulation desk. Law students can similarly make such orders at the Dufour Law Library.
We hope you learned something useful from our tips that you can take away with you. CUA offers many services students can easily miss out on if they’re unaware. So, don’t forget to share what you’ve learned with your friends; who knows, they could even have a tip for you!