The Official Halloween Candy Ranking

Image courtesy of Candy Industry
By Kate Plunkett and Margaret Adams
As college students, trick or treating is not usually a part of our Halloween plans. Halloween looks a little different than it did when we were kids. The only consistent part of the holiday has been the best part: candy. While our preferences may change, some candy stands the test of time. These six candies are the indisputably correct candy opinions – we hope you are able to enjoy a few of these this upcoming Halloween season.
6. Mini Haribo Gummy Bear
These itty-bitty packets contain about six normal-sized gummy bears, and who doesn’t like gummy bears? Amidst all the chocolate you end up with at Halloween, these always add some fruity flavor. The only downside? There are never enough gummy bears in the packet.
5. Almond Joy
This one is a bit controversial; despite it being a different iteration of a Mound, Almond Joys are arguably better. Almond Joy has milk chocolate instead of dark chocolate, and includes more crunch. Who doesn’t like texture variety? Almond Joy is the culmination of two great things: crunch and coconut.
4. Kit Kat
The classic Kit Kat is a favorite of many. The milk chocolate-covered wafer is a great palate cleanser. Your little brother definitely bites into them without breaking it: an atrocity? Yes, but definitely worth it. A dependable, indisputable favorite that has graced our candy piles for years, long live the Kit Kat.
3. Sour Gummy Lifesavers (the individually wrapped ones)
You know what I’m talking about. If you don’t, you have been deprived. They never appear anywhere else than at Halloween in the mixed value packs. They’re sour, covered in sugar, and you always tried to trade for more after only getting three. They are nostalgia in weird little unsustainable individual wrappers, always leaving you wanting more.
2. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup
America’s favorite Halloween candy! Coming in many different shapes and sizes (such as questionable bats) and most likely to be stolen by your dad, Reese’s is near perfection. The Reese’s candy is another dependable and plentiful cleanser, and it gave what it needed to give.
- Candy Corn
Nothing else encapsulates Halloween the way that candy corn does. You may hate it now, but it used to be an integral part of your childhood (and grade school assemblies where you were told not to take any loose candy corn from open bowls). Reminiscent of chilly fall air, the school fair, and stomachaches from whatever wax they’re made of, candy corn harkens back to the best memories of Halloween from our childhoods. Whether you think it is nostalgia in a triangle or an overrated piece of wax, Halloween is not Halloween without candy corn.
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