Fall Dorm Room Essentials

Image courtesy of Camille Didio
By Olivia Wingert and Caroline Pitman
Fall is finally here in D.C., and the colder days are the perfect excuse to hunker down in your dorm room. Crisp days at Catholic University feel so quintessentially college, and the shorter daylight hours means more time inside. Dorm rooms are notoriously cold and bare, but here are easy and cheap ways to create a cozy oasis in your room.
Lighting is key to keep your room from feeling sterile. The fluorescent lights are practical and great for studying, but string lights will make your room feel more like home. These string lights are $10 and can be turned on and off by remote control. Put the lights up with some Command Strips and keep them on while you are reading in your bed (or watching Netflix). Small lamps are also helpful to create the perfect ambiance in your room on a budget.
Candles are, sadly, not allowed in dorm rooms, but using room spray gives the effect of candles. Diffusers or room sprays are a great alternative to candles. For a splurge, this room spray will make the room smell fresh without being too overpowering. Especially in small spaces, diffusers are able to cover the entire room. This diffuser has the perfect fall scent without being overwhelmingly strong.
While these pillow headboards are more of an investment, they truly are the key to a perfectly cozy bed and make your room look polished without the hassle of installing a full-on wood headboard. Adding a headboard is a game-changer both for aesthetics and comfort. They also make the perfect backrest for sitting up and reading in bed or memorizing Anatomy flashcards.
In a dorm room, your bed becomes your couch, desk, and place to sleep. Soft blankets and fresh sheets elevate your bed. This throw comes in three colors and is super chic. Throw this at the end of your bed for an inexpensive and versatile room addition. While you are at it, go ahead and wash the sheets that you have been putting off doing for the past two weeks. Crisp fresh sheets are the perfect treat to snuggle into while you catch up on Netflix or crank out another paragraph of that LC paper.
There is nothing better than cozying up on a cool fall afternoon with a good book. Consider rearranging your books and using them around your room as decor. Pair your books with your new fall diffuser, a mini pumpkin, or a picture frame to create a cozy fall corner. Your windowsill and the corner of your desk are great places to create little book vignettes. This simple change will double as a new organization tool as well as free decor!
Colder weather means more time indoors and inevitably in college, more time in your dorm room. Follow these tips to transform your room into a warm, inviting space. Adding new cozy pieces will help your room feel even more relaxing as we head into the spookiest season of all; midterm season.