College Republicans Hosts Annual Barbecue

College Republican Executive Board members greeting attendees of the Annual All-American BBQ. Courtesy of Franchetta Groves
By Franchetta Groves
Catholic University’s College Republicans hosted its Annual All-American BBQ this past Friday on the Pryzbyla patio. Mission Barbecue catered and provided mac and cheese, pulled pork, cornbread, and all the classics of an American bBarbecue. After eating, games of cornhole and Kan Jam were started and competitive spirits were high.
It was a patriotic event with the setting adjourned with red, white, and blue decorations and the American flag proudly waving. The event was open to all, including those who are not members of the College Republicans, making a warm and welcoming environment. Any student who wanted to enjoy some classic American barbecue and take in the warm weather waswere welcome to attend.
The event drew in a large crowd and the attendee list reached came to over 200 attendees throughout the afternoon. The fun atmosphere allowed for a sense of community and was the perfect way to kick off the weekend.
“College Republicans means family, “ said Reagan Lehmaen, Vice President of College Republicans, when asked about what the organization College Republicans means to her. “It’s a place where I can go and express my views and talk about issues with like minded people and feel like family.”
A community and family atmosphere is a goal of the College Republican’s events. Creating an environment in which those of similar and differing opinions can come together and enjoy good food, warm weather, and patriotic company is a way for College Republicans to be an active and engaged organization on campus. This family environment, as Lehman described, creates a place where healthy dialogues can take place surrounding a variety of current events and actions taking place across conservative movements.
College Republicans is one of the largest organizations on campus and it offers a variety of opportunities for leadership positions. Currently, the organization is holding interviews for a freshman representative, which is a great way for freshmen new members to get involved.
Being a freshman representative involves interacting with the executive board and discovering the best ways to engage the freshmen class and contribute to the goal of fostering a bond throughout the organization.
College Republicans provides numerous outlets for those who are interested in getting involved with the conservative movement. Students are invited to hear speakers and even attend events such as the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), an event where students can hear a variety of different speakers and gain a deeper knowledge on conservatism. Besides events with free food, College Republicans provides students with the ability to become more involved in political discussions and increase their political involvement, with the unique opportunity of being located in Washington D.C.