Consider the Old While We Spend for the Future

Image is of Marist Hall, Courtesy of CUA Public Affairs

By The Tower Staff

As many of you may or may not know by now, Murphy’s Grill is open to the university’s public as well as traveling guests whether they are fellow alumni or prospective families. While it will become a new and delicious addition to the university’s prolonged list of buildings as well as historical landmarks, the student community and the university’s administration as well as our university’s donors should heavily prioritize proposed or upcoming renovations and maintenance to current standing older buildings on campus. Even though the DuFour is getting updated from a donation, residential dormitories such as Flather are in need of a dire upgrade since most of these buildings were constructed in the 20th century. While the Busch School is occupying and reconstructing an existing former structure, the Martin Maloney Chemical Laboratory, our beloved Marist is crumbling like the death of Ancient Greece and Rome. As university property expands near Harewood Road, our current concrete roads are in need of repairs from cracks and erosion from previous weather conditions such as harsh winter storms that have impacted our university community and the rest of the city.
The university has big visions to expand this campus and attract more students, more opportunities, and more cash flow. It all makes sense, and it will be exciting to see how different the Catholic University campus will be in even ten years. Nobody is arguing its mission to improve the infrastructure; it is encouraging rather. But matters like the status of Marist are still on the minds of students who are here now and have taken classes there in the past. What is to come of this historical building? Current students would like to know. A recent interest survey was sent out to students to see what they would like in a new university recreational center in the future. It excited many students, the prospect of a state of the art facility. While this is all good and interesting, there should remain concern for the current facilities to make sure the classes of 2018, ‘19, ‘20, and ‘21 have just as great of experience as those following us.

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