Op-Ed: Calling for Joe Stillwell’s Removal: A Constitutional Crisis

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By Former Members of The Catholic University College Republicans
Editor’s Note: Previous versions of this article contained certain sections that the editorial board decided to remove due to concerns regarding contextual inaccuracies.
The largest organization on the campus of The Catholic University of America, College Republicans, is now the most disgraceful group at this university. Over the past three weeks, seven members of the executive board of the College Republicans have resigned. Additionally, 80% of the elected members of the board have resigned and the interests of the student body as a whole are no longer being considered.
On January 25th, 2022 the College Republicans hosted a meeting titled “Constitution Day” where Chairman Joseph Stillwell attempted to swiftly strong-arm the members of the club to pass a massively revised version of the Constitution for the club. After stating numerous times that this process was done to allow “the people” to have a stronger say in the political process, Stillwell simply chose to do the opposite. This occurred after the unilateral appointment of the Treasurer by Stillwell without the consent of the Executive Board or the members of the club. This was an unconstitutional action done by Chairman Stillwell which he then attempted to justify and make right by amending the constitution to allow him to continue to appoint his friends to positions of leadership within the club.
During the meeting itself, Stillwell consistently acted in a disrespectful manner to any member who questioned or expressed disapproval of the manner in which the Constitution was being presented that night. Many members of the club suggested that the amendments to the Constitution be voted on individually instead of in a huge bloc vote that prevents debate. He even shut down the comments of freshmen and newer members of the club who wanted to be informed before voting on changes to the Constitution.
Throughout the evening, Stillwell not only disrespected the members who brought serious questions and concerns to the table, but he allowed the disrespect of an entire portion of the student population to occur. Stillwell allowed his friends to speak over others even while attempting to use parliamentary procedure, including when a member suggested that the word “Chair” not be amended to be “Chairman” over concerns that this was an unnecessary addition that was inconsistent with the GOP’s language. He allowed his friend Noah Sell to cut off the speaker by saying “I didn’t know we were liberals? I thought we supported traditional gender norms” even when Mr. Sell was never recognized to speak. These sexist remarks were not only allowed but actually embraced by not only Joseph Stillwell but also many members of the current executive board. Along with that, there were an immense number of people who voted “Aye” in changing the language, yet Joseph Stillwell continued to say, “the Nays carried the vote”, without doing a roll call vote even when member Ashley Martin requested one. He yelled at anyone who opposed him that tried to speak or would cut them off for calling him out for his rude and disgusting behavior.
We want to make very clear that the actions conducted by the Chairman of College Republicans at this meeting are not a reflection of the Republican Party as a whole. The Chairman, Joseph Stillwell, and his posse of friends and appointed yes men were sexist and did not uphold the values of civil discourse and freedom of thought that the Republican Party works so hard to champion. The Republican National Committee for example is run by a female, Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel who has given women, men, minorities, and every member of the Republican Party a chance to be heard with a thoughtful and welcoming attitude, and not one of hostility and disrespect.
The Catholic University’s chapter of College Republicans is no longer an organization that students are proud to be members of due to the remaining leadership of the executive board.
Therefore, as former members of the College Republicans, we condemn the actions of the Chairman and the pattern of behavior that he has presented. For a club that used to bring so much comradery and joy to its members just a few short years ago, it saddens us that it has come to this point. Nevertheless, it is crucial to call out the disrespectful and disgraceful actions of someone in leadership, especially when they are within your own party in order to ensure the integrity and good future of the entire party. Joseph Stillwell does not represent us or our beliefs, instead, he represents exactly what’s wrong with the Republican Party and we will not allow his behavior to continue any longer. At a time when the respectful debate between Republicans and Democrats is a thing of the past, it is even more pathetic and disturbing to see a complete lack of consideration for differing opinions even on our own side.
Joseph Stillwell decided to shut down any opposition, instead of embracing debate and a free discussion of the issues he denied a voice to numerous members of the club; it is for those reasons that we call for the removal of the Chairman of the College Republicans Club.