Joyous Gathering: Celebrating the St. Vincent de Paul Mass at Catholic U


Image courtesy of Francesca Jonica

By Francesca Jonica

Who is St. Vincent de Paul, and what is his enduring legacy? St. Vincent de Paul, a revered French saint, dedicated his life to preaching to the peasantry and training pastoral clergy, leaving behind a powerful legacy of compassion and charity. He is celebrated as the patron saint of charitable societies, primarily recognized for his unwavering commitment to helping the poor and marginalized.

St. Vincent de Paul’s mission to serve those in need has inspired countless individuals to join his cause, fostering a spirit of generosity and volunteerism that thrives to this day. Just a few miles from the Catholic University of America campus lies the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry, a testament to this mission, providing essential support to those struggling in the community.

On Friday, September 27, Catholic U hosted a Mass in honor of St. Vincent de Paul at the St. Vincent de Paul Chapel—affectionately known as “St. Vinny’s” among students. This sacred space exudes beauty and spiritual warmth, creating the perfect atmosphere for reflection and celebration. The Mass drew approximately 70 students, all coming together to honor St. Vincent and venerate the relics of both St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac, another influential figure in the fight for social justice.

The evening commenced with a traditional rosary, inviting the congregation into a reflective state as they prepared for the Mass. Attendees listened intently to a reading from 1 Corinthians and the Gospel of Matthew.

Fr. Hugh Vincent Dyer, the Catholic U chaplain for graduate studies, presided over the Mass, delivering a homily on the life and teachings of St. Vincent de Paul. He emphasized the saint’s message of turning toward the poor, declaring, “I preach that attention to the poor is a font of the Mystical Life.” Fr. Hugh Vincent’s words resonated, reminding everyone  of the importance of compassion and service in their own lives.

Lucy McHale, a junior nursing major, echoed Fr. Hugh Vincent’s sentiments, expressing the parallel between her future career and St. Vincent’s mission.

 “Saint Vincent de Paul is such an inspirational saint to me,”McHale said. “Especially as a nursing student, his work with the poor and sick serves as a profound example of respecting the dignity of every person.”

As the Mass drew to a close, attendees participated in the veneration of the relics of St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac, a moment infused with reverence and gratitude. Fr. Hugh Vincent remarked on the celebration’s rich symbolism, stating, “We had music, incense, the relics of St. Vincent and St. Louise, and prayed together in receiving the Eucharist. Overall, it reflected the witness of the saints.”

Reflecting on the celebration, Lucy McHale said, “I thought this celebration was so beautiful. The love shown for St. Vincent and St. Louise was truly inspiring. Having their relics present while we celebrated the sacrifice of the mass added a profound depth to the experience.” 

After the Mass, attendees gathered in the Happel Room to enjoy pizza and share laughter, reinforcing the bonds of friendship forged through their shared faith. As they mingled, the atmosphere was one of joy and fellowship, a reminder that community plays a vital role in living out the values exemplified by St. Vincent de Paul.

For anyone looking to St. Vincent de Paul as a guiding figure, it’s essential to remember that helping those in need is not just a goal but a calling. It is a reminder to reach out, lend a hand, and embrace the spirit of charity that St. Vincent embodied throughout his life. Through acts of kindness and generosity, we can all contribute to a more compassionate world, ensuring that the legacy of St. Vincent de Paul continues to thrive.

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