Catholic University Community Celebrates the Annual Mass of the Holy Spirit in the Basilica

Image Courtesy of the Catholic University of America
By Zachary Lichter
The Catholic University of America (CUA) community came together on August 29 to celebrate Mass of the Holy Spirit in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Mass of the Holy Spirit takes place during the first week of the fall semester. It’s a time for the CUA community to come together, ask for God’s blessing, and send down the Holy Spirit to guide the faculty, staff, and students as they embark on a new school year.
Luke Bubel, a senior computer science major, commented on what he loves about Mass of the Holy Spirit:
“The Mass of the Holy Spirit, being the first full Campus Mass at the Basilica, is a great opportunity,” Bubel said. “You are surrounded by your peers in a magnificent Church, with a beautiful liturgy, and amazing music. Not many universities give their students the opportunity to attend a liturgy such as this, we at Catholic University are blessed to have classes canceled and the Basilica to worship in.”
Classes were canceled from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. so the students, faculty, and staff could attend the Mass, which began at 12:10 p.m. in the Upper Church of the Basilica. The Mass was broadcasted on the Eternal Word Television Network and the CUA YouTube channel.
Cardinal Wilton Gregory of the Archdiocese of Washington was the celebrant. He was assisted by Deacon Daniel Roberts from the Diocese of Pittsburgh and Deacon Michael Villavicencio from the Archdiocese of Santa Fe from the Theological College. Among the concelebrants were 58 priests, which included Father Aquinas Guilbeau, the University Chaplain and Vice President of Ministry and Mission; Monsignor Ronny Jenkins, the Dean of the School of Canon Law; and Father Gladstone “Bud” Stevens, who is the Rector of the Theological College and two transitional deacons.
Jeffrey Lance, a senior politics major and President of the Student Government Association, did the First Reading from the Book of Joel (Jl. 2:23a, 26 —3:1-3a). The CUA Choir sang the Responsorial Psalm from Psalm 104 (Ps. 104). Isabel Reisz, a senior nursing major and Co-Director of the Catholic Values Executive Initiative, did the Second Reading from the Book of Acts (Ac. 2:1-6, 14, 22b-23, 32-33) in Spanish. Students who didn’t speak Spanish could read the English translation of the Second Reading in the program, given at the beginning of Mass. Deacon Roberts did the Gospel reading from the Gospel of John (Jn. 15:18-21, 26-27).
Cardinal Gregory gave the homily, saying that God’s spirit does His best regarding His tasks because when people pray and ask for the Holy Spirit to help with the needs of the students, faculty, and staff during the school year, they seek His active presence. People ask the Holy Spirit to guide them in the success of exams and papers and in understanding lessons taught by the professors on campus.
He asked the CUA community to pray to the Holy Spirit for justice and harmony in the United States and every heart. When people call on the Holy Spirit, He comes with full force to help with all the challenges they may face, whether in the classroom or any situation. The Holy Spirit invades people’s lives with grace and power. He finished his homily by asking that as people leave Mass of the Holy Spirit, they shouldn’t focus on academic successes and accomplishments but instead on peace and forgiveness across the relationships of racial, ethnic, and religious groups.
After the homily, Cardinal Gregory reviewed the “Conferral of Canonical Mission,” which states that “Conferral gives canonical authorization to newly appointed faculty members to teach in the name of the Church. The School of Philosophy, the School of Canon Law, and the School of Theology and Religious Studies give academic degrees recognized by the Holy See. Ecclesiastical faculty members receive canonical authorization from the Chancellor (Cardinal Gregory) of the University.”
CUA Provost Aaron Dominguez announced the names of the candidates: Dr. Giacomo Fornasieri and Dr. Joseph Wood from the School of Philosophy. Then he announced the candidates from the School of Theology and Religious Studies: Dr. Jonathan Ciraulo, Dr. Katja Hess, and Brother Thomas Piolata, a Capuchin Franciscan. Each candidate recited the Nicene Creed and placed their right hand on the Gospel book as they took the Oath of Fidelity.
The candidates were dismissed, and Deacon Roberts read the Prayer of the Faithful. President Kilpatrick gave the closing remarks at the end of Mass, and Cardinal Gregory gave the final blessing.
After the Mass, Bubel commented on what he enjoyed about this year’s Mass of the Holy Spirit.
“I thought the Mass was wonderful, it was great to see the Basilica full of fellow CUA peers,” Bubel said. “Cardinal Gregory’s homily had a great message to turn to the Holy Spirit in our studies and in our life. And it was a great opportunity to welcome the new faculty to the schools of Philosophy, Theology, and Religious Studies as a community in Christ.”