CUA Students: Bridging the Gap Between Media and Sports

Image Courtesy of Ryan Tufford
By Tess Rempel
Glenn Østen Anderson, Associate Professor in the Media Department, conceived of a way in which students at the Catholic University of America could get hands-on experience in the sports media industry. Since November 2023, CUA students have been providing coverage of collegiate games and practices alike.
Alongside his position in the Media Department, Anderson has ancillary positions in the marketing and Athletics Departments at CUA. The professor collaborates with Jeff Jezewski, Assistant Athletic Director for Athletic Communications, and Kevin Robinson, Athletic Director, to facilitate opportunities for students.
“I just want students to know that there’s a great, big, wide world of sports media out there, that goes beyond sitting behind an ESPN anchor desk,” Anderson said. “There are so many opportunities to expose students to what’s out there.”
Kathryn Phillips, a junior media studies major, enlisted several students who now help contribute to photography, videography, broadcasting, social media, PA, and live-streamed announcements.
“November of last year [2023]…the Athletic Communications director had sent a mass email to all the Media Students, looking for anyone who was interested,” Phillps said. “I ended up really loving it.”
There are four photographers, with the team composed of senior architecture major Ryan Tufford, senior theology major Ellie Bixenman, senior business major Katie Lombard, and junior marketing major Emily Dee. Any photographs taken are posted to
In addition to photography, students also capture the games by working with broadcast cameras. Sophomore media studies major Ryan Carney, senior political science major John Benavides, graduate business student John Diaz, freshman finance major Luke Archeval, and Bixenman make up this team. When they are streaming, the live broadcasts are on FloSports.
These broadcasts are accompanied by PA and live-streamed announcements, primarily provided by junior media studies Pablo Mazariegos, junior business major Nick Lukens, and MC Ryan Carney. Mazariegos provides PA announcements, Lukens provides live-stream announcements, and Carney works as the MC.
Nick Lukens originally came to CUA for football and was on the team his freshman year before he began covering sports.
“This opportunity has had a very positive impact on my life because I can still stay involved in athletics here at CUA while learning about the operations side of sports,” Lukens said.
Many students’ skills and talents, however, span across many different aspects of media coverage. Freshmen business major James Moore and Accounting major Ryan O’Callaghan provide live stats, photography, videography, and broadcasting. Other students, such as Bixenman, Carney, and Regan, provide different services based on the needs of the game and how many people are staffed for a particular weekend.
Students check out media equipment during the week, facilitated by lab assistants and lab director Abby Moser.
“They [Media Studies students] are interested, and this interest is nurtured through Glenn’s mentorship,” Moser said. ”There’s this exciting connection that’s happening between our department and the Athletic department, that’s giving them a lot of opportunity and also providing a lot of service to the Athletics department.”
Jeff Jezewski has high hopes for Media Studies students.
“I want that number [of Media Studies employees] to grow, to provide as many opportunities as we can,” Jezewski said. “Ultimately, I would like to grow an internship program to provide credit for the work they’re able to do. The sky’s the limit.”