This Week in Tower History

Compiled by Angela Hickey
In this week’s Tower History column, we will collect relevant, historical, or humorous excerpts from any past editions of The Tower’s 99-year-existence.
99 years of The Tower can be read here.
61 years ago; April 21, 1961; Vol. 31, Issue 21
- The Tower reported on The International Student Organization’s membership meeting, which was held in order to discuss membership, communications with the campus, and moderators. Correspondence, citations, and recommendations were read by President John Aguon.
48 years ago; April 26, 1974; Vol. 52, Issue 23
- 48 years ago The Tower reported on the architecture student’s protest against the recommendation of Seymour Auerbach, associate professor of architecture at the university, for dean of the School of Engineering and Architecture. The record reported two full days of protests against the recommendation by architecture students.
28 years ago; April 22, 1994; Vol. 71, Issue 22
- Catholic U’s Women’s Softball wins CAC title for the first time in history. The Tower reported on this historic win, making it a cover story.
14 years ago; April 25, 2008; Vol. 85, Issue 23
- On this day, 14 years ago, The Tower published an article reporting the university’s actions in offering legal help in order to revoke the liquor license of “Cardinal’s Nest,” a now defunct business once located at 10th and Perry Streets.