
The “This Week in Tower History” column will collect relevant, historical, or humorous excerpts from any past editions of The Tower’s 97-year-existence. Compiled weekly by Tower editors.

The Tower Year 97, Edition No. 17

10 YEARS AGO – Feb. 26, 2010 edition

  • Announcement that the university had sold South Campus to D.C. to put up “new residential units, retail and restaurant space, and an arts walk”. Freshman dorms Spellman and Conaty would be torn down, and Ryan, Regan, Flather, and CV were designated as freshman dorms
  • Student Bob Shine’s weekly Quill column focused on going greener during Lent. Some suggestions were to add a meatless day besides Friday, not use Pryz take-out containers and Starbucks cups, limit purchases, use reusable shopping bags, print double-sided, and turn off and unplug electronics not in use – or better yet, fast from electronics for a day. 
  • Michael Haigis’ “In The Game” sports column, titled “Did Tiger Really Mean It?” focused on Tiger Woods’ address of his Nov. 27th car accident during a “press conference that has been anticipated for nearly three months.” The column mused that “sports culture will be at a serious loss if in twenty years, Woods’ sullen, monotone speech is more memorable than his unprecedented dominance of a sport that was made exponentially more popular in his presence.”

20 YEARS AGO – Feb. 25, 2000 edition

  • The paper continued to announce The Tower website, with a slogan “Times change… so should your newspaper.”
  • A review of Wonder Boys appeared in A&E (then called the Features section); The Tower’s “Movie Guide” box advertised American Beauty, Scream 3, The Tigger Movie, Magnolia, The Hurricane, and The End of The Affair

25 YEARS AGO – Feb. 24, 1995 edition

  • The Features section focused on The Brady Bunch Movie, with the opening paragraph: “The 1970’s are gone. Days filled with plaid bell bottoms, knee socks and Davy Jones are as dead as those Pet Rocks in your closet. America is fully immersed in the ‘90s: a decade ruled by global warming, Seattle grunge rockers, carjackings and the information superhighway.”

30 YEARS AGO – Feb. 23, 1990 edition

  • Yolanda King, daughter of Martin Luther king Jr., spoke at Hartke Theater on Feb. 20, 1990 as part of CUA’s observance of Black History Month
  • Student Michael B. Pullano’s “And Speaking Of” column in the Quill (then called the Forum) mentioned the divorce trial between Donald Trump and his first wife Ivana
  • Sign of the Whale advertised a weekly “C. U. Sunday” with $1 16 oz. Coors Light

35 YEARS AGO – Feb. 22, 1985 edition

  • Page 6 displayed an advertisement for a talk that evening by 1980 Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Perez Esquivel on “Human Dignity in the 1980’s: The Challenge of Christian Nonviolence” 
  • A letter to the editor mentioned “what is quickly becoming known as the ‘Honors Program’”

40 YEARS AGO – Feb. 22, 1980 edition

  • The front page article featured students who were helping with the 1980 presidential campaign, for candidates John Anderson, Jerry Brown, George Bush, Jimmy Carter, John Connally, Ted Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan

65 YEARS AGO – March. 4, 1955 edition

  • A letter to the editor: “I for one think that the junior prom was the biggest farce ever thrust on CU students. To be precise, we paid $4 for a ticket which entitled a couple to drive six miles, pay 25 cents for parking, check a coat for another quarter, and search for seats in a crowded room. When hunger pangs struck, the gentleman could play waiter and purchase warm coke for 25 cents per bottle, 15 cents for a few ice cubes and two glasses, and 20 cents each for nickle bags of potato chips. The big spenders could buy 15 cent bottles of mixer for 75 cents… I propose that dances be held in Graduate Hall and that the Dug-Out also be open. The price of admission while perhaps also being $4 could include coffee, cokes, cookies, and cake; and that other foods be served at a reasonable cost, such as hamburgers and pizza. How about it? Let’s have fun and economy instead of neither.”

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