Catholic University Hires New Vice President for Student Affairs

By Julianna Guthrie
Last week President John Garvey announced the new Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. Judi Biggs Garbuio. Her work will include oversight of the office of the dean of students, the counseling center, resident life, and the center for academic and career success.
The Kansas native studied education at Emporia State University. In 1999, she received her Doctorate of Philosophy in Educational Policy Planning and Administration from the University of Southern California.
Biggs Garbuio is no stranger to work in student affairs. Before coming to Catholic University, she was the Associate Provost and Vice President for student development at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington. Prior to that, she served 23 years at her alma mater, the University of Southern California, spending 12 years acting as Associate Dean of Students. She also served at Arizona State University and Bowling Green State University.
“We look forward to working with her on expanding our Center for Academic and Career Success, providing more resources for first generation students and students with disabilities, and overseeing the construction of our new dining facility,” Garvey said.
Garvey is not alone in these ambitions. Biggs Garbuio is also interested in building the Center for Academic and Career Success office, in addition to improving other student related services such as the disability service program.
“By offering a plethora of co-curricular and curricular experiences, students will be able to find a sense of belonging where they can live up to their full human potential,” Biggs Garbuio said in an email to The Tower.
In his October 23rd memo, Garvey highlighted Biggs Garbuio’s ability to think creatively in order to meet the needs of students, along with developing effective services in order to support them. He also mentions her strong Catholic faith that allows her to fully embrace the mission of Catholic University.
Ultimately, her Catholic faith is what drove her to Catholic University. Upon first hearing about the open position she remained indifferent to the job posting. She applied only after multiple recommendations from friends and personal research she did about the University’s work. However, it wasn’t until after her first visit to the University that she understood her place here.
Prior to her interview she had the opportunity to go to a Mass at the basilica on the feast day of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, who also happens to be one of her favorite saints. After the Mass she fully realized she was meant to work at Catholic University.
The new VP is also looking forward to working with the new Light the Way campaign that was launched this past fall. Biggs Garbuio believes that the campaign embodies the mission for student experience and ensuring student’s needs are met.
A stranger to both the city and the school she quotes her father when thinking about the challenges she’s about to face. She holds to the idea that “the grace of the Holy Spirit can never be outdone.”
“I have a poster from my first year in college that reads, ‘Those who walk with God always reach their destination,’”she wanted to tell students. She encourages students to stop by and introduce themselves at her Pryzbyla office in room 353.