2019/2020 SGA Senate Election Results Revealed

By Thomas Holmes
The Student Government Association (SGA) executive board gathered in the Pryzbyla Center atrium to announce the winners of the Senate election. Two senators from each school and each class are elected into the Senate every academic year. On September 18, students were able to vote via the nest for their representatives. The results are not official until they have been confirmed by the Office of Campus Activities (OCA).
The SGA works to pass legislation based on ideas that senators as well as Vice President Shanahan put forward. The senators have constituents from the class or school they represent which influence the legislation they pass.
“I am very optimistic,” said Vice President Shanahan when asked about her feelings toward the upcoming year in SGA. “Student government has a lot of things planned and the group of senators that were just elected will have a great impact on the campus community.”
Shanahan also mentioned the large number of freshmen that voted in the senate elections for the class of 2023.
“The class of 2023 had a fantastic voter turnout which shows that the first-year students really care about their university,” said Shanahan.
Lucas Vigil, one of the newly elected senators for the class of 2023 shared his thoughts on the election and his plans for legislation in the senate.
“I’m very thankful for all of the freshmen that came out to vote,” said Vigil.
Vigil brought up a few ideas he was excited to share with the senate including increased security on campus and opening the conversation about university provided metro cards.
The senators have a training session on Saturday, September 21, and will be sworn in at their first senate meeting September 30. The senate meets bi-weekly until the end of finals week in May 2020.
The results of the elections Wednesday night are as following:
Class of 2020:
Michael Klein
Elise LaFleur
Class of 2021:
Daniel Paviglianiti
Alexander Dumm
Class of 2022:
Gemma del Carmen
Gerald Sharpe
Class of 2023:
Maura Schlee
Lucas Vigil
School of Architecture:
Richard Warren
Juliana Fitzsimmons
School of Arts and Sciences:
Chris Carey
Cavan Hagerty
Busch School of Business:
Isabel Buckley
Joseph Galassi
School of Engineering:
Matthew Toppi
Brian O’Malley
National Catholic School of Social Service:
Zoriana Moulton
School of Philosophy:
Melissa Zentz
Rome School of Music, Drama, and Art:
Cecilia Bracey
William Lucardi
School of Nursing:
Caroline Ciocco
Catherine Churilla
School of Theology and Religious Studies:
Jonathan Harrison
Thomas Dompkowski