Farewell Letter from Jimmy & Weston

Dear Catholic University,
Today is our last day serving as your student body president and vice president, which is an opportune time for a bittersweet moment of reflection on this past year. While we look fondly at the accomplishments of Student Government this year, pride is not our primary emotion: gratitude is. We are immensely grateful to have dedicated student leaders in the Senate, on the Treasury Board, and in the Executive Initiatives who work tirelessly for their classmates. We are grateful for an administration that has listened to student concerns and worked with us to find practical solutions. But most of all, we are grateful for our fellow students. We thank each and every one of you for being our supporters, our friends, and our motivation. Most of all we are grateful for each of you being the intelligent, motivated, faithful, and giving people who make this University unique. Having the opportunity to represent a place like Catholic and students like you has been an absolute pleasure.
The Catholic University of America is a special community. It is a group of students, faculty, and staff who treat each other with love and act with kindness. It is athletes and academics; seminarians and nurses; student ministers and artists all coming together to make a diverse and outstanding community. To be able to represent such a community has been a pleasure and for that we thank you.
Jimmy Harrington & Weston Kirby