MORPHEUS Q – 11 September 2015


Morpheus want to know who the real student government on campus is: Campus Ministry or SGA?

Morpheus is a swell chap, and loves his share of a good time. He requests to the skunk living in Flather Hall to either put it out, or pass it around.

Morpheus stopped by Campus Ministry today. He’s quite confused you see, because he thought co-ed dorms were banned from campus.

Morpheus has a game: every time you hear a Musical Theatre Major singing, take a shot.

Heard from the bird, part of CUA’s new application process requires you to send a picture of your Sperry collection. Extra brownie points for salmon shorts.

What’s finally working on campus? Not the internet, but the fountain in Centennial Village is.

New week, new menu at the Pryz, new Provost, construction on the metro. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Morpheus has a question: Does Sunday morning wine count as hair of the dog?

Knock, Knock, SGA. SAGA is history, just like Morpheus. He wants to know what   skeletons are in your closet. Morpheus says he has some secrets to share. Do you?


If you want to get in contact with Morpheus, his office is in the Exorcist Room in Caldwell Hall. Don’t be shy.



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